Paul-Anasthasie Lallier Kone is the leader and Pastor of Communaute Du Mont Carmel USA section based in San Diego, California since 2007. The mission of this ministry is to help people out of misery (spiritual and material suffering) which means where there is oppression, captivity, darkness, she brings light through the Word of God for a real life change and a real change of mentality. She is married and has 3 children (2 girls and 1 adopted son).
Minister Paul-Anasthasie Kone is also the CEO of Delices De Carmel (an import-export business she opened in 2018 to support the ministry) as well as the President and Founder of the 501c(3) Communaute Du Mont Carmel USA, Inc. (CMC). This structure was recognized in 2014 by the US Government and the State of California. She works to help and take care of the needy, by welcoming, supervising and reintegrating people. It encourages work and entrepreneurship.
Bergère Paul-Anasthasie graduated from Félix Houphouët Boigny University in Abidjan with a Master’s degree in Philosophy. Philosophy was a passion because it wanted to understand the essence of things, the existence and especially the functioning of the creation.
During the preparation of her thesis, she held a position as editor in the consulting firm in Abidjan, and in view of her skills and aptitudes she was also in charge of communication. She learned a lot because of the training that was held there: communication-marketing-taxation and management. At the end of this time, she obtained a position of commercial director in a hotel company for nearly 4 years in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire.
She resigned after responding to God’s call following Jesus Christ. After a spiritual and pastoral formation of 4 years, she made her commitment and her consecration within the said community by the spiritual authorities.
Following her marriage to an American citizen living in California, where she settled, she and her husband committed to this mission of helping and caring for people in difficulty and seeking spiritual restoration. The work of God became their first mission in Christ. In order to be able to announce Christ in her new homeland, the United States, she took a two-year English course in ESL (English as a Second Language) at Community College, Center City San Diego.
Bergère Paul-Anasthasie believes that with humility, obedience and love (spirituality of the community of Mont Carmel), through the means of evangelization, the reception of the needy and through work, people will come out of misery in the name of Jesus Christ. It is in this that she based her faith, on the fundamental principle of the community which is “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and the rest will be given to you” (Matthew 6,33) and its motto ” Always be happy. Pray without ceasing. Thessalonians 5: 16-17.