Welcome to Our Church
Loving God & Loving Others
OUR GOAL: to demonstrate the Word of God, to help people live the love of God through a change of life, and mentality for a renewed, restored and prosperous life in Christ.
THE NAME: Mont Carmel, just like the name states, is a French name and is also based in Ivory Coast, in Africa and in the US (San Diego, CA and Atlanta, GA). This name came from the experience that the prophet Elijah had on the mountain of Carmel with the demonstration of the power and might of God.
Power of deliverance, liberation, Real change (from darkness to light) 1kings18, 20-40
CMC’s vocation is to bring the light of the Lord Jesus to all the corners of the world where misery is rife with the aim of snatching souls from darkness to bring them back to light. In short, to get man away from misery by really changing his life so as to win paradise and truly enter our terrestrial blessings. To attain this goal, CMC uses three ways: To attain this goal, the community uses three ways:Evangelization (Mt.28,19-20), Welcome and Work.
OUR CHARISMA: Fecundity/ fertility/ prosperity/charm. Our charisma is deployed through the zeal for God, the inner life, faith and exercise of faith and the mission.