For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me. Mt 25:35-36
Who We Are
A missionary community of laypersons in the charismatic renewal movement born in the Catholic Church, Communaute du Mont Carmel USA is dedicated to serving all people, regardless of their of age, race, gender, class, or status. Inspired by a vision from the Lord in 2007, our leader, Minister Paul-Anasthasie Koné, answered the Lord’s call not just to teach His word and make disciples of all nations but to demonstrate this through concrete action. Thus, later in 2007 Mont Carmel USA’s nonprofit ministry was formed as a 501c(3). We believe that faith must be coupled with works, and that to practice our faith we must walk in the way of the Lord. This work takes the form of feeding the hungry; supplying temporary housing to the individuals to jumpstart their financial independence; and providing a spiritual retreat free of worldly distraction designed to convert the heart and mind as a path to renewing one’s spirit and deepening one’s faith.
At Mont Carmel USA, we aim to restore the dignity and hope that our sisters and brothers have lost. When we accept our true inheritance in Christ, we are changed. Released from the prison of spiritual and material poverty, we begin to prosper and lead the life we were created to lead!
Our Mission
Created as we are in God’s image, we believe that everyone deserves to be fed, clothed, and embraced in their vulnerability. Yet, the reality is that poverty and misery still exist in this world. Our nonprofit ministry centers on the philosophy that people can be delivered from misery through a shift in their thinking, inspired by the Word of God. That is, one’s outward circumstances can be treated from the inside: The path to well-being lies in spiritual wellness, and spiritual wellness leads to outward prosperity.
We won’t stop until we have fulfilled God’s vision for the world—that all our sisters and brothers in need are living a dignified life with access to the material resources they need to prosper (food, housing, and employment) and the spiritual resources they need to thrive: being delivered from misery, experiencing peace, and enjoying a fulfilling life bathed in the light of Jesus Christ.
Five Principles
Love and Fellowship: We envision a better future because our social action is guided by love
Integrity and Accountability: We model integrity and trustworthiness in all aspects of our nonprofit ministry
Diversity: We embrace and respect the rich diversity of all people, cultures, ethnicities, etc.
Professionalism: We are committed to providing excellent service and treating all people with respect.
Responsible Stewardship: We are careful stewards of all human, natural, and financial resources: the time and talents of those working with the Community, the environment, and the donations entrusted to us to further our mission.