Volunteer FEED 2021 – Action to the Homeless

November 20


05:30 am - 09:00 am

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/feed-2021-action-to-the-homelessness-tickets-203506612757

Communauté du Mont Carmel USA

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/communaute-du-mont-carmel-usa-37172215733
   FEED is a vast project including a large scope of activities intended to lead the fight against hunger and misery in our community.

Being part of this project as a volunteer is not only adding your stone to this noble cause but mainly fulfilling God’s instructions for His Kingdom.

In fact, the Lord says in Matthew 25 that He is found among the hungry, among the needy and urges us to take care of them.

Under this command and along the vision of the non-profit, we initiate punctual actions such as FEED Activity – Action to the Homeless, to provide the people in need with clothings, covers, winter articles and hygienic items to show love and alleviate their current conditions.