FEED 2022

November 19


07:00 am - 10:00 am

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/feed-2022-tickets-454328036387

Communauté du Mont Carmel USA

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/communaute-du-mont-carmel-usa-37172215733
Donation Drive Volunteering Opportunity – Homeless Outreach

We believe that God has imbued our soul with all the wealth, talent, and motivation we need to prosper and become a vector for social change. Relieving physiological needs such as the need of clothes, hygiene, and food is the first step in that direction. Through FEED, our present goal is to feed the hungry by distributing food weekly to communities suffering from food scarcity in Murrieta, and holding donation drive of winter clothing, hygienic items and breakfast in Hemet.